#0494: Marty Vargas & Steven David Elliot

The Stuph File Program

Marty Vargas, author of A Place for You by Marty Vargas: How I Found My Homeless Mom and How it Changed My Life, shares the story of the search for his homeless birth mother, who was on the streets for over 20 years.

Steven David Elliot, author of Mingle: The Art of Face-to-Face Networking in the Digital Era talks about face-to-face communication in the social media era.  (If you want a free pdf copy of his book, you can find it by going to his website at RockStarConnect.com, go to the Contact Page and just say that you want a free copy!)

This week’s opening slate is presented by Julie Gedeon, a writer & editor of Montreal Home and various other magazines throughout North America. She also teaches writing in Hudson, Quebec. 

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