The Stuph File Program

Featuring actor Dean Butler, author of Prairie Man: My Little House Life & Beyond; & Marc Hartzman, author of We Are Not Alone: The Extraordinary History Of UFO’s And Aliens Invading Our Hopes, Fears And Fantasies

Actor Dean Butler, best known as Almanzo Wilder on the hit series, Little House On The Prairie. He shares his story with his new book, Prairie Man: My Little House Life & Beyond.
Marc Hartzman, from WeirdHistorian.com and the author of We Are Not Alone: The Extraordinary History Of UFO’s And Aliens Invading Our Hopes, Fears And Fantasies is back, with the weird story for June. This one deals with Matthew Buchinger, The Little Man of Nuremberg. (And, as mentioned in this show, Marc also has his Curious Publications featuring books such as The Book Of Wonderful Characters: Memoirs And Anecdotes Of Remarkable And Eccentric Persons In All Ages And Countries, where you can read more about Matthew Buchinger).
This week’s guest slate is presented by freelance videographer, Alex Chabot, from Alex Chabot Productions.
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