The Stuph File Program

Featuring former convict, Dane Gentry; Kelly Florence & Meg Hafdahl, authors of Travels Of Terror: Strange And Spooky Spots Across America; & science writer Andrew Fazekas, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky

Dane Gentry is a former convict, recovered addict and host of the podcast, Dane Gentry Podcast: Standing Back Up. Dane spent 21 years in prison, nine of which were in solitary confinement.
Kelly Florence & Meg Hafdahl are the authors of Travels Of Terror: Strange And Spooky Spots Across America. You can also check out their collective website at HorrorRewind.
Science writer, Andrew Fazekas, The Night Sky Guy, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky, is back to talk about the current solar storms that we are dealing with. The auroras might be beautiful, but there are some dangers that come with it.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Mike Cohen, a columnist for The Montreal Suburban, city councillor for the City Of Cote St. Luc & PR for the English Montreal School Board (EMSB).
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