The Stuph File Program

Featuring Alan Beard, co-creator of HistoricalTweets.com; David Friedlaender, author of The 12 Keys: How to Unlock Your Full Potential and Live the Life of Your Dreams; & Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby
Ever wondered what historical figures like Abraham Lincoln or Gandhi would “tweet” about? At HistoricalTweets.com, curious history buffs can read fictional messages that major figures, living or dead, would post on Twitter concerning famous events that involved them. We talk to one of the co-creators Alan Beard.
When do we stop blaming our parents? That’s the question we put to motivational speaker and author David Friedlaender. His book is called The 12 Keys: How to Unlock Your Full Potential and Live the Life of Your Dreams.
Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, shares a slice of The Big Apple from his yellow mobile conveyance lounge
This week’s opening slate is presented by me, Peter Anthony Holder, host of The Stuph File Program and a television anchor at Global News in Montreal.
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