#0186: Michael Stusser; Lee Mellor; & Peter Franklin

The Stuph File Program

Featuring humourist, Michael Stusser; Lee Mellor, author of Rampage: Canadian Mass Murder and Spree Killing; & Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby

Humourist Michael Stusser is part of a documentary that was borne out of an article he wrote called Sleeping With Siri. He gorged himself on modern technology and social medias for a week, followed by a week of going cold turkey.

Lee Mellor is the author of Rampage: Canadian Mass Murder and Spree Killing, which looks at Canadian mass murder and spree killing.

Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, shares a slice of The Big Apple from his yellow mobile conveyance lounge

This week’s opening slate is presented by Jamie Gilcig, editor of Cornwall Free News.

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