The Stuph File Program

Featuring Michael Adams, author of In Praise of Profanity; Pete Geiger, publisher & editor of The Canadian Farmers’ Almanac; & Ross Connelly, owner & publisher of The Hardwick Gazette
Profanity is a very popular component of our lexicon but is it a healthy one? Professor Michael Adams is a historian of the English language and the author of In Praise of Profanity.
Peter Geiger, the editor of The Canadian Farmers’ Almanac, talks about some of the interesting topics in this very special edition of his publication, which is now just out.
Ross Connelly is the owner and publisher of the weekly newspaper, The Hardwick Gazette in Hardwick, Vermont. He’s running a contest to get at least 700 essays from which to pick a winner who will then own the newspaper. Contestants are expected to write up to 400 words about their skills and vision for owning a rural weekly newspaper in Vermont.
This week’s opening slate is presented by Carrie Milks, a theatre student at the University of Ottawa.
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