The Stuph File Program

Featuring Oksana Kukurudza, author of Sunflowers Bend But Rarely Break; Kalee Boisvert, author of MoneyWise Mabel’s Bursting Bank; & Stuart Nulman with Book Banter

Oksana Kukurudza is an American-born Ukrainian-American who is writing a non-fiction narrative about her Ukrainian parents and their experience in Nazi slave camps. The book will be called Sunflowers Bend But Rarely Break.
Kalee Boisvert is a financial planner who has written a book about money managing for children called MoneyWise Mabel’s Bursting Bank. She’s also the author of a money managing book for women called Make Money Your Thing: Ditch the Shame and Design your Dream Life.
Stuart Nulman with another edition of Book Banter. This week’s reviewed title is Killin’ Generals by Dwayne Epstein (Citadel Books, $37.99). You can also read Stuart’s reviews in The Montreal Times.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Yvette Samuel, my niece in Ottawa.
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