The Stuph File Program

Featuring phobia expert, Keith Livingston; Eric Barberio from KissThisGuy.com; & James “Rocco” Loosbrock, editor of BaconToday.com
Do you know the vuvuzelas that are so popular at The World Cup can trigger phobias in people who are afraid of bees? We talk to phobia expert Keith Livingston who runs the website, PhobiasCured.com.
Eric Barberio is from the website KissThisGuy.com, a fabulous collection of misheard lyrics that will leave you laughing and scratching your head.
If you are a fan of bacon, then there is a website for you. James “Rocco” Loosbrock is the editor of BaconToday.com.
This week’s opening slate is presented by Larry Martos, the General Manager, Program Director, Promotions Director and Music Director at VIP Internet Radio. VIP Internet Radio launched on July 1st. The Stuph File is now heard on VIP Internet Radio on Mondays at 7pm.
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