#0045: Daniel Morgan Jones; Stuart Nulman; & Gordon Javna

The Stuph File Program

Featuring Daniel Morgan Jones, CEO & founder of The U.K. Church of Jediism; Stuart Nulman with Book Banter; & Gordon Javna from Uncle John’s Bathroom

Daniel Morgan Jones is the CEO and founder of The U.K. Church of Jediism. This church, based in Wales, is now expanding into the United States.

Stuart Nulman is on with another edition of Book Banter.  The reviewed book is The Book Of Awesome by Neil Pasricha, (Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam, $28.50). You can also read Stuart’s reviews in The Montreal Times.

The Bathroom Readers’ Institute is the publisher of the great Bathroom Readers series of books. We welcome back publisher Gordon “Uncle John” Javna to talk about their latest title, Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Plunges into Canada, Eh

This week’s opening slate is presented by Agia Akal Singh Khalsa, numerologist, author, speaker, media personality and counselor to the stars. You can email him at YogiAkal@gmail.com.

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