The Stuph File Program

Featuring Stacy Schiff, author of Cleopatra: A Life; Mike Spry, managing director of Summer Literary Seminars; & Chris Arreguin from BaconIsBomb.com
Pulitzer Prize winning biographer Stacy Schiff is the author of Cleopatra: A Life.
The Summer Literary Seminars brings the best contemporary writers together. It was recently in Kenya. Later this year it will be in Lithuania. And this summer it will also make a stop in Montreal, Canada. Mike Spry, the program’s managing director, talks about the seminars.
Chris Arreguin, who was on Stuph File #0020 talking about the website Randomcreepyguy.com, is back with a new website. This one is called BaconIsBomb.com, and it deals with all things bacon.
This week’s opening slate is presented by Barry Donnelly, cameraman for Global National.
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