#0092: Derek Poteryko; Bob Dorigo Jones; & Stuart Nulman

The Stuph File Program

May 31st is World No Tobacco Day. The World Health Organization designates that day to raise global awareness about the destructive nature of tobacco addiction. Derek Poteryko is a family physician based in Nanaimo, British Columbia. He is the author of First You Smoked Now You Live.

The nominations for the 2011 Wacky Warning Label Contest are in. Once again we talk to Robert B. Dorigo Jones, president of the Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch, the non-profit group working to raise public awareness of frivolous litigation. You can also hear Bob’s segments, Let’s Be Fair, regular on this show.

Stuart Nulman is on with another edition of Book Banter.  The reviewed book is Montreal’s Irish Mafia: The True Story of the Infamous West End Gang by D’Arcy O’Connor, (Wiley, $24.95). You can also read Stuart’s reviews in The Montreal Times.

This week’s opening slate is presented by my nephew, Jordan Alleyne.

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