The Stuph File Program

Featuring Christie Mellor, author of Fun without Dick and Jane: A Guide to Your Delightfully Empty Nest; Carl Waggett, author of Keeping Me Awake; & Shannon Rose
Christie Mellor shares her humorous take on empty nest syndrome with her book, Fun without Dick and Jane: A Guide to Your Delightfully Empty Nest.
Carl Waggett talks about parenting from a father’s point of view with his book, Keeping Me Awake.
Shannon Rose, aka “Mr. Hollywood,” was born with a life threatening genetic disorder and his life has been an uphill battle. Yet he has accomplished so much in life from being a professional wrestling announcer and national spokesperson to the president of a national public relations firm. Shannon is probably best known for his announcing role in the EA Sports MMA video game.
This week’s opening slate is presented by Billy Shields, news reporter for Global Montreal. Check your local listings for the cable channel. If you have Bell Satellite, you can find it at channel 234.
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