#0305: Andrew Fazekas; Janine Wedel; & Eric L. Smith

The Stuph File Program

Featuring science writer, Andrew Fazekas; Janine Wedel, author of Unaccountable; & social media marketing innovator, Eric L. Smith

Andrew Fazekas, “The Night Sky Guy” is back to talk about the Philae Lander, which just woke up after charging its batteries, while it is piggybacked on a speeding comet hurtling toward the Sun.

Janine Wedel, author of Unaccountable: How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt Our Finances, Freedom And Security, talks about scandals and corruption in business and government.

Social Media Marketing Innovator, Eric L. Smith, talks about the growing use of the hashtag, plus the connectivity of using various social media sites together to help you in business.

This week’s opening slate is presented by real estate agent Marc-André Francoeur, from Equipe Francoeur-Jamieson at Groupe Mackey.

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