The Stuph File Program

Featuring former courtroom artist, Lynn Matsuoka; science writer, Andrew Fazekas; & Sagar Mohite, creator of the multi-dimensional game Hyperspace
Lynn Matsuoka is a former courtroom artist. She was one of the select few to chronicle the proceedings during the Watergate hearings.
Science writer, Andrew Fazekas, The Night Sky Guy, is back on to talk about the launch of Elon Musk’s Falcon Heavy.
Sagar Mohite is the creator of the multi-dimensional game, Hyperspace.
This week’s opening slate is presented by David Menefee, the Assistant Publisher at BearManor Media. He’s also the author of the Pulitzer-nominated Wally: The True Wallace Reid Story and The Remarkable Mr. Messing, which is soon to be turned into a motion picture.
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