#0545: Steven Taibbi; Dr. Paul Wand; & Andrew Fazekas

The Stuph File Program

Steven Taibbi is back on the show. He’s the double heart transplant recipient and the author of Grateful Guilt: Living in the Shadow of My Heart. Since we last spoke he has met the family of his donor heart.

Dr. Paul Wand, author of The Concussion Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain talks about concussions in sports.

Science writer, Andrew FazekasThe Night Sky Guy, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky, talks about the SpaceX Abort Test and also the naming of the Mars Rover by kids.

This week’s opening slate is presented by Duke Eatmon, a music columnist at the CBC and author of Chuck D Presents This Day in Rap and Hip-Hop History.

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