The Stuph File Program

Featuring spirit maker, Christopher Pellegrini, author of The Shocku Handbook; Rick Antonson, author of Train Beyond The Mountains: Journeys On The Rocky Mountaineer; & Marc Hartzman, author of Chasing Ghosts: A Tour of Our Fascination with Spirits and the Supernatural

Christopher Pellegrini is a spirit maker who has been a contributor to the award-winning Oxford Companion to Spirts & Cocktails and is the author of The Shochu Handbook. He actually started making alcohol as a high schooler.
Rick Antonson is excellent at writing travel memoirs. His latest is about a very special train in Western Canada. The book is called Train Beyond The Mountains: Journeys On The Rocky Mountaineer.
Marc Hartzman, from WeirdHistorian.com and the author of Chasing Ghosts: A Tour of Our Fascination with Spirits and the Supernatural is back, with the weird story for January. This one deals with the story of an unfriendly ghost at the turn of the 20th Century in New Jersey.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Robert Soroka, who is a professor at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.
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