The Stuph File Program

Featuring Vic Ferrari, author of NYPD: Law & Disorder; Palace Watcher, Professor Peter McNally; & science writer Andrew Fazekas, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky

Vic Ferrari is a retired NYPD detective, who has written a number of humorous books about the job, including NYPD: Law & Disorder. How did this writing gig start for him?
Peter McNally, Professor Emeritus at the School of Information Studies, Director of the History of McGill Project and a ‘self-proclaimed palace watcher’, discusses the current turmoil within the Monarchy and the alleged battle between Prince William & Prince Harry.
Science writer, Andrew Fazekas, The Night Sky Guy, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky, talks about the use of Artificial Intelligence in space exploration; the recent arrival of Asteroid 2023 BU and more.
(Patreon Stuph File Program fans, there is a Patreon Reward Extra where Andrew talks about NASA‘s work on a nuclear rocket; a SpaceX test firing; a private company’s moon lander and more).
This week’s guest slate is presented by Lori Knight, a Stuph File Program listener in Northern California. She’s also a licensed animal technician. She loves to bake and can preserves, and has a soft spot for hairless cats.
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