The Stuph File Program

Featuring educational innovator, Jim Marggraff; John Campbell, author of Beyond The Fading Memories: Guiding Words For Dementia Caregivers; & Stuart Nulman with Book Banter

Educational innovator, Jim Marggraff, inventor of LeapPad, and author of How To Raise A Founder With Heart: A Guide For Parents To Develop Your Child’s Problem-Solving Abilities, talks about keeping grandparents connected with their long-distance grandkids. He also has a great new line of educational products called Kinoo, a child’s first smart device.
John Campbell, author of Beyond The Fading Memories: Guiding Words For Dementia Caregivers, talks about how Alzheimer and dementia sufferers respond to music. John had first hand experience in dealing with his mother.
Stuart Nulman with another edition of Book Banter. This week’s reviewed title is Don Rickles: The Merchant of Venom by Michael Seth Starr (Citadel Press, $36). You can also read Stuart’s reviews in The Montreal Times.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Wendy Barrett-Stuart, a college friend who is a cat rescuer, who runs a cat rescue operation here in Quebec.
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