The Stuph File Program

Amilee Weaver Selfridge is the editor of The Bad Day Book.
DC Gomez is a publisher and one of the authors of a collection of short stories called Tales Of Disastrous Dates.
Takiyah Smith is the creator of a series of kids’ colouring books called I Love Me! Colorful and Creative: An Empowering Coloring Book for Girls & I Love Me! Colorful and Creative, Boys: An Empowering Coloring Book for Boys.
This week’s guest slate is presented by K.T. Anglehart. She’s the author of the mystical, witch-like fantasy novel filled with Celtic folklore called The Wise One. We had her on the show back on #0735. Since then, she has released her follow-up book called The Twin Flame, the second book in her The Scottish Scrolls series.
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