Faux Stories From Real Pictures

It was an infatuation. He loved her from afar. He did everything he could to garner her attention. But she paid him no mind.
Still, that didn’t stop her from teasing him. She lay there, alluring and naked, but oblivious to his advances.
He didn’t want to give up. He thought they were birds of a feather. Mesmerized by her beauty, he never even noticed she had no feathers.
He tried to get on her good side with gifts. He brought her food. He rose at the crack of dawn to get her an early worm. Still . . . nothing! It was clear he wasn’t going to crack this egg.
His love turned to hate and he thought of forcing the issue. But cooler heads prevailed. Long before he left the nest, his mother taught him the proper respect for women. He learned that unless someone actually said “yes” the answer is “no,” so he backed off.
Oh, she was putting herself out there. But it wasn’t for him. She was a bird with her sights on a bigger prey. She was a gold-digger after a high strutting, loud rooster. Yes, she was a cock tease!
That’s the Stuph – the way I see it.