The Stuph File Program

Featuring Dennis Palumbo, author of Night Terrors; life coach Janice Bastani, author of EVE: Reclaim Your Power!; & Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby
Therapist, author and former screenwriter Dennis Palumbo has a new novel out called Night Terrors. It’s the third of a new series of Daniel Rinaldi mysteries.
We’re living in an age where not only do most people have cell phones, they’ve got smartphones! So, when’s the last time you interacted with a real live person? Can’t remember? Perhaps you’re too connected. Janice Bastani is a life coach and the author of Eve: Reclaim Your Power. She shares some signs to let you know when you’re too into your gadgets.
Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, shares a slice of The Big Apple from his yellow mobile conveyance lounge
This week’s opening slate is presented by Bob Steele, an avid Stuph File fan.
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