The Stuph File Program

Featuring Douglas Lieblein, author of Flight of the Akero: The Book of Milo; Ronnie Shewchuk, author of Barbeque Secrets Deluxe; & relationship coach Frank Kermit
Television writer/producer, Douglas Lieblein, has worked on such shows as Hannah Montana and Life With Boys, and is currently working as the writer/co-Executive Producer of Nickelodeon’s Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn. He has also just penned his first novel, entitled Flight of the Akero: The Book of Milo.
Fire up the barbecue as we talk to Rockin’ Ronnie Shewchuk, author of Barbecue Secrets Deluxe!
Relationship coach, Frank Kermit is back to talk about May/December relationships.
This week’s opening slate is presented by logistics consultant Gerry Bradley.
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