The Stuph File Program

Featuring Brian Acosta Arya, owner/operator of the Lincoln Tunnel Motel; flag fans, Dan Conlin & Patricia Acheson; & Stuart Nulman with Book Banter

Brian Acosta Arya is the owner/operator of the Lincoln Tunnel Motel in New Jersey. He’s been doing his part to help the less fortunate in his community with accommodations ever since the start of the pandemic, and he continues to do so.
Husband and wife, Dan Conlin & Patricia Acheson are fans of flags. They display a new one outside of their Halifax home every morning. Another great idea borne out of the recent pandemic.
Stuart Nulman with another edition of Book Banter. This week’s reviewed title is Going There by Katie Couric (Back Bay Books, $23.99). You can also read Stuart’s reviews in The Montreal Times.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Justin Walters, the General Manager & Program Director of Free 99, East Texas Free Form, in Tyler, Texas, the newest radio station in the Stuph File Program family. The Stuph File Program is heard in Tyler, Texas at 11am Saturdays and a vintage show is heard on 11am on Sundays. Double your pleasure, double your fun!
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