#0736: Marc Abrahams; Rebecca Whitlinger; & Frank Kermit

The Stuph File Program

Featuring Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals Of Improbable Research; bridesmaid dress wearing Rebecca Whitlinger; & relationship coach Frank Kermit

Marc Abrahams, editor of the Annals Of Improbable Research is back on the show. Each year they hand out the Ig Nobel Awards and this year’s version was the 33rd.

Rebecca Whitlinger is one of those rare women who not only got to wear her bridesmaid dress more than once, she’s worn it in many different circumstances and in many parts of the world, ever since she first wore it just six months after the wedding, back in 1988.

Relationship coach, Frank Kermit, is back on the show to talk about long distance relationships, what makes them work and what doesn’t.

This week’s guest slate is presented by psychotherapist Richard Rapoport. He used to be a regular guest on my old radio show in a segment we called Shrink Rap. Richard currently does yeoman work as he continues to work with military, vets and RCMP for Health Canada and doing research and speaking at conferences on “moral injury”.

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